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Why Are My Varicose Veins More Visible Since Losing Weight?

Weight loss can significantly boost one’s health and quality of life.  However, if you are someone who’s suffering from varicose veins, weight loss could turn out to be a double-edged sword and make your varicose veins more visible.  But how could this be possible?  After all, studies have shown that people who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk of developing varicose veins.  Well, let’s set the record straight.

Why Do Varicose Veins Become Visible?

Most varicose veins arise because of venous reflux i.e., they are caused by a  superficial vein that has abnormal reverse flow in it.  This superficial vein is not visible to the eye but is the deeper underlying problem causing the visible varicose veins.  So, when you stand up, the valves in these veins malfunction, which results in the blood flowing in the wrong direction.  The refluxing blood flows down and feeds the little side branches or tributaries that come up to the surface.  What we see as varicose veins are, in fact, these surface tributaries.  However, the key is recognizing there is usually a deeper problem.  These deeper problems require ultrasound to visualize and diagnose, prior to treatment.

The Relationship Between Varicose Vein Visibility and Obesity

Overweight people often have extra subcutaneous fat.  In fact, this fat surrounds the varicose veins and may obscure them.  So a vein problem may exist but the veins aren't visible and the problem goes unrecognized because of the excess fat.  But once they undergo weight loss, their varicose veins come to the surface and become more visible. Conversely, people who are overweight might have serious varicose vein problem and might not even be aware about it.

So, Can Exercise Play an Effective Role in Getting Rid of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins can be prevented to a great extent by living a healthy and active lifestyle.  Exercising regularly will benefit you in many ways along with lowering your blood pressure, enhancing blood circulation, and reducing the risk of varicose vein disease.  Also, losing weight will take the pressure off your veins and result in better blood circulation.

While weight loss and regular exercise can be immensely helpful when it comes to avoiding varicose veins, once the varicose vein disease is present, without treatment, the only hope is to slow the progression of disease.  That's why it's important for someone with vein disease to maintain a healthy weight and exercise because they will help to reduce the symptoms from varicose vein disease and avoid progression.  Weight loss and exercise however, are not able to treat or rid someone of varicose veins.

Once varicose veins appear, medical treatment is usually the most reliable solution. There are now numerous different treatments for varicose veins, most done as an outpatient, with the ability to return to normal activity the same day or next.  These include radiofrequency ablation (RFA), endovenous laser ablation (EVLA)venaseal and sclerotherapy.  However, not all treatment options are suitable for everyone. If you would like to find out the treatment option that’s most suited to your situation, book an appointment with Dr. Vinay Madan at the Center for Varicose Veins in Wilton, CT.  As a board certified Interventional Radiologist and Phlebologist with over 25 years of experience at treating vein diseases, Dr. Madan will recommend the best treatment option based on your medical history and health conditions.

Dr. Vinay Madan, MD, DABVLM Dr. Vinay Madan, MD, DABVLM Dr. Vinay Madan is a board certified Interventional Radiologist and Phlebologist with over 25 years of experience in treating vein disease. Dr. Madan has served as the Chairman of Radiology and Section Head of Vascular Interventional Radiology at Eastern Connecticut Health Network. Dr. Madan brings a wealth of knowledge which allows him to treat patients with cosmetic and medical vein disease in a caring and compassionate way.

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